Aerial Session Class Absence Policy

Report your Class Absence From Aerial Silks Session Classes

A session aerial class is a series of aerial classes that take place over a specific period, typically a month. Students commit to attending the same class time each week during the session. This format allows for consistent progress and skill development as students build upon what they’ve learned each week. Essentially, it’s a structured approach to aerial training that provides a dedicated time slot for students to focus on improving their aerial abilities.

Why do we have an absence policy? 

  • If you miss a class, a different student who needs to take a make-up class can use your spot. 
  • There are many students who are waiting for a spot in a session or drop-in class. 
  • Taking class is how you will progress, learn, and become a stronger aerialist. Missing many classes may cause you to forget what you have learned. 
  • Teachers prepare class material based on the class roster and we can better prepare if we know who is coming and who is not. 

How do I report a class absence and request a makeup?

SUBMIT the Aerial Class Absence Form

Absence policy for session class enrollment

48 Hour Notification

Those who SUBMIT the Aerial Class Absence form within 48 hours from the class date/time will have the following options:

  • 100% full class credit that can be applied to a future session or drop-in class
  • Or one make-up class per class missed

24 Hour or Day of Class Notification

Those who SUBMIT the Aerial Class Absence form either 24 hours before OR on the day of class will have the following options:

  • One make-up class per class missed that must be scheduled within 15 days from the date of the absence. EXCEPTION: Students with medical related absences (injury or illness) may provide a doctor’s note (with letterhead) and can schedule a makeup within 30 days from the date of the absence

No Notification

  • If a student misses a class without filling out the form in advance, the student will NOT receive class credit or refund.

IMPORTANT: Only Aerial Class Absence FORMS that are submitted within the timeline will be accepted. Email or text messages sent to the studio to report class absences are not accepted. If you wish to notify us in addition to submitting the form, that is acceptable.

How do I know when my makeup is scheduled?

Login to our reservation system by clicking here OR  Download the Momence App and check your schedule under “my profile” using your login email address and login password.

Can I schedule a makeup that occurs before my missed class?

Yes, but the makeup must be scheduled within the same 4-week session time frame. 

What if I will miss a session class but not need a makeup?

Complete the Aerial Class Absent FormIMPORTANT – DO NOT JUST MISS CLASS so we can offer makeup or drop-in spots to other students.

I missed class and did not submit the form but I had a really good reason.. What can I do?

Email Tammy at and it will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.