Enroll Now! One Day Intro to Aerial Silks Class at Ascend Aerial Arts

Intro to aerial silks

Try Intro to Aerial Silks!

Ascend Aerial Arts offers a one-day intro to aerial silks class that is perfect for those curious about aerial silks or interested in developing strong core and upper body with conditioning exercises on and off the silks.

What to Expect in an Intro to Aerial Silks Class

A one-day intro class is designed to give you a taste of what aerial silks is all about. Here’s what we cover:

  • Warm-up: This is essential to prepare your body for the physical demands of the silks. It often includes dynamic stretches, core exercises, and arm circles to increase blood flow and flexibility.
  • Basic Silk Handling: You’ll learn how to safely handle the silks, including different grips and climbing techniques.
  • Core and Upper Body Conditioning: These exercises are crucial for aerialists. You’ll likely focus on building strength in your core, arms, and shoulders, both on and off the silks.
  • Inversions: Don’t worry if you’re afraid of heights! Inversions are introduced gradually and with proper support. You’ll learn basic inversions like hanging upside down in a hammock position.
  • Basic Tricks: Depending on the class, you might learn a few simple tricks or combinations to get a feel for the flow and creativity of aerial silks.
  • Cool-down: This helps your body recover and prevents injuries. It typically includes static stretches and relaxation techniques.

Benefits of Aerial Silks

Beyond being a fun and exciting workout, aerial silks offers numerous benefits:

  • Increased Strength and Flexibility: Regular practice will significantly improve your upper body, core, and overall flexibility.
  • Improved Body Awareness and Coordination: Aerial silks requires precise body control and spatial awareness.
  • Confidence Boost: Overcoming challenges and achieving new skills can dramatically boost your self-confidence.
  • Full Body Workout: Aerial silks engages multiple muscle groups, providing a comprehensive workout.
  • Stress Relief: The physical and mental focus required for aerial silks can be a great way to de-stress.

No experience is necessary! This 90-minute class is a great way to try out aerial silks and see if you like it.

Here are some important details about the class:

  • Intro Class – Select Saturday of each month at 11:30AM
  • All participants must be in good health and in proper physical condition to participate.
  • Space is limited.

Ready to sign up? Click below to enroll now!

$35 per student